Have you ever felt like you were working out constantly, never seeing any results?

Or maybe you felt like you want to become stronger and more fit, but aren’t sure what is appropriate for you?

Perhaps you come from a background of overexercising, and are looking for a way to move your body that will help nourish your cycle health and not throw your hormones out of balance?

If this sounds familiar to you, then keep reading girlfriend.

This is exactly why we created an hormone conscious exercise program, PHASE BASED FITNESS.

Get stronger and build muscle without sacrificing your hormone health.

When it comes to exercise, if we aren’t taking into account the energies of the four phases of our cycles, then we are likely not working out in an efficient way that aligns with our unique physiology.

Phase Based Fitness takes the guesswork out of the question “what workout should I do today?” and puts the confidence back into your hands to move your body in a way that you know will be supporting your cycle, all while sustainably building strength and muscle tone.

Exercise is a huge component of hormone health and long term health.

We made sure you are getting the most out of your workout with PBF.

We created this program because we felt like there was a gap in the fitness world when it came to programs that were meant for women, taking into account physiology and the four phases of their cycles.

Most workout programs out there are not designed with your menstrual cycle in mind.

And the thing is that if we push ourselves too hard (or too little!) we may be disrupting the delicate balance of our hormones. It’s time we took the power back into our hands and exercised in a way that supports our wellbeing, and not takes away from it.

What’s included in the program?

  • Digital Ebook style, self paced program, downloadable to any device

  • Introduction to the four phases of your cycle, along with explanation of what’s going on internally and how that will effect your exercise

  • The cyclical workout guide, complete with exclusive access to our YouTube library of workouts so you can follow along for correct form and understanding of each move

  • Guidance on what it looks like to support your hormones while working out

  • A cyclical nutrition guide, including what to eat before and after you workout, how to properly fuel yourself, and food suggestions for each phase

  • Products page with links for our favorite go to products we use on a daily basis

  • Exclusive access to our private Facebook community of Phase Based Fitness students, within this group we will be answering questions, holding Lives, and helping to support one another!


Phase Based Fitness is yours for $49.99